Our Projects

Decline Curve Analysis to assess reserves and Competent Person’s Report: Yme, Gudrun, Valhall, Salman, Njord

APA (Awards in Predefined Areas): Identify leads, undertake prospect evaluation and production forecasting in Norwegian Central North Sea, Barents Sea

Dynamic modelling of Gudrun, Bauge, Valhall, Njord, Bream, Mackerel, Yme, Salman, Hengam , South Pars, Ayacucho

Water flooding optimization in Heidrun, Salman Valhall fields

Production Optimization and Network modelling: Mime, Tiram, Sapih, Azadegan, Salman

IOR/EOR screening study Heidrun, Valhall, Ayacucho

Basic Reservoir Engineering Study: Gudrun, Njord, Yme, Valhall, Bream/Mackerel, Salman, Hengam, Azadegan, South Pars